Publish page

Name of Creation: The name of the work created, which can be displayed on the poster

Percentage of Earnings: What percentage of the profits you expect from others when their content is distributed and profited by them.

Payment Currency: Fill in the symbol of the token used for settlement when users buy and share, and select the corresponding contract address. (Currently supports all token payments on three networks)

Selling Price: enter the price of the first sale in the unit of calculation as the token entered above.

Maximum number of shares: The number of times you want each user to be able to distribute

Royalty Price: A fixed portion of the profits is returned directly to the original creator each time a sub node completes a transaction. For example, if Sam is set to 10 yuan (it can be set to any amount), all nodes below tier 1 nodes will directly return 10 yuan to Sam after each transaction is completed. Work Permission:

Weather the secondary works are allowed: this means that after users purchase your works, whether they can continue the sub-sales after secondary works are made on your works. Encrypt publish : When choosing open source distribution, you will be able to view the contents of your work, whether or not you have created (purchased) a digital collection When opting for encrypted distribution, only the user who created (or bought) the digital collection will be able to view the content of the work Description: Description field of the display page of the work

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